Solar Panel Pools Guide

Once you have decided that heating your pool is just too expensive when using conventional pool heating systems, it’s time to consider installing a solar pool heating system. This is a brief solar panels pools guide to provide a bit of basic information about solar heating systems.

Solar Panels Sizing

The first thing you will need to take into account is the overall size of the solar panel unit you will need to install. Actually, there are several different sizes in solar panels which typically are 4’ x 8’, 4’ x 10’ and 4’ by 12’. The size of individual panels isn’t as important at this point as the size of the unit when the panels are fit together. A general rule of thumb is that the solar pool heating unit should be between 50 to 100% the size of the pool. If you take the area of the pool (length x width) you will have a good estimate as to how big the solar unit should be. As an example, if your pool measures 15’ x 30’ the area would be 450 sq. feet. Consequently, your solar panel unit should be no less than 240 sq. feet as 225 sq. feet is an odd number.

Thermal Pool Covers

One thing which should be considered whether you are using conventional heating systems or solar panels pools heating systems is that you can effectively increase your heat by covering the pool with thermal pool covers when not in use. This keeps the warmth in and will reduce the size of the solar unit you need to install. In this case, the savings is not in the amount of money you will save on energy costs because the sun provides free energy year after year. Your savings would be in the initial outlay for solar panels.

Mounting Solar Panels

There are two basic methods of mounting solar panels pools units. One, of course, is a roof mounted system and the other is a ground mounted system. Take into consideration the direction in which the panels will be mounted in order to get the most direct midday rays from the sun. Along with the roof orientation (N,S,E,W) you will want to consider whether any portion is shaded and the actual shape of the roof. Some companies do make odd sized or custom sized panels so it is important to calculate the size available on your roof if you are going to install the solar unit there. Ground mounted solar panels pools units are a bit less tricky because they can be mounted almost anywhere to get direct sunlight.

Because solar pool heating systems provide renewable energy that is free year after year, the only cost you will need to consider is the cost of installation. By keeping in mind the information in this solar panels pools guide you can cut down on the cost of installation while providing the most efficient source of solar heating system for your pool.

Solar Panel Pools Guide